Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Waiting and the Woodwork

Because of kidney function, I am waiting to do my LAST round of chemo.  It was supposed to be Monday, we will be waiting at least a week.  My creatinine is high, and dropping slowly.  All I can really do is drink plenty of fluids and keep my mind off of it.  So what am I doing?

I've mopped, called the plumber, played with the dog and sewn.  I need to go to the post office to mail some gifts.  I guess I should eat lunch.  Shac and I bought party decorations over the weekend, there are far fewer 17 decorations than 16, 18, and 21.  The couch is firmly being held down.

Yesterday I had the opportunity to visit with some old friends who did a remarkable thing.  Jennie and Matt rode 100 miles, and kilometers respectively, for early detection of cancer.  Unfortunately, cancer has touched the lives of many people close to them, to honor their struggle and raise money they did a century ride with the Canary Foundation.  Jennie and I have known each other since elementary school, and her husband Matt was one of my close friends in high school.  I really enjoyed spending time with them and meeting their adorable and kind children.

Throughout this long year many people have emerged from different chapters of my life to support my treatment in a myriad of ways.  As Matt and I joked about yesterday morning, we are social chameleons, and fit into so many social groups and 'clicks' that we never really felt like we fit in in high school.  This is still true in my life.  Really it is just that we fit into many places, and I cannot be more grateful.

The thank you's will come later.

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