Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Today is the second day of my second round, tutu!

I have two different cemotherapy regimes that will be alternated for 17 cycles, so I am on completly different medications for this round than I was on last round.

This round I have the same chemo medicaions each afternoon for two hours each, and the mesna again for 12 hours.  The first chemo is Etoposide, again light sensitive, this one can effect my heart and is why I had an echocardio gram before I started chemo.  The second is Ifosfamide, this one is the reason I am on mesna again, as it can be very harsh on my already compromised urinary system.

So far my reaction to these medications have been quite different than the first round.  I haven't been hit by lethargy yet.  I have been more irritable and have had a slight headache after the Ifosfamide.  I also had some heart flutters last night.  Because I start the chemo in the afternoon, I am getting doses of mesna over night.  This morning I woke up feeling just fine, Shac said my color had come back too, last night I looked a little peaked.

I'm glad I feel so much myself!  That is actually partially difficult, because it makes me want to be here less and at school or having fun more.  And on the other hand, it makes me know again that this is blip on the radar screen of my life.

1 comment:

  1. Love that, "blip on the radar screen of my life" Wendy!
